New House, Lockdown, New Website …

It's taken longer than originally planned but this week saw the launch of my new website and blog!

Despite the restrictions and frustrations of lockdown, it has at least provided time for reflection and development of the site. For many years I ran a personal blog, Secret Nature. During the months ahead I will be selecting my favourite posts and uploading them here. Many of you will have already seen some of these but I hope you will enjoy reading them again.

In other news, I have just moved into a new home. As this occurred just before lockdown things were rather stressful, especially having no kitchen appliances when we moved in. Things are ‘normalising’ now and we are into a fairly good routine with everyday life. Our new property comes with a small area of mature woodland, in places quite wet, backing on to arable farmland - one of the big selling points of the property to me. I am currently enjoying the wood awakening. Wood Anemone, Anemone nemorosa, Bluebell, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Greater Stitchwort, Stellaria holostea, Germander Speedwell, Veronica chamaedrys and Common dog-violet, Viola riviniana, are amongst the numerous species bursting into bloom. The aroma of the bluebells quite intoxicating. On the butterfly front, Comma, Polygonia c-album, Peacock, Aglais io and Holly Blue, Celastrina argiolus were the first species to greet me. Drumming woodpeckers have been very evident and the dawn choral symphony that accompanies most welcome and uplifting. The woodland has a lot of potential and I am already planning future projects …

Particular thanks must go to Luke Dray for his work on the design and layout. If you ever need a website designer, Lukes’ your man.


Greenstreaks …


Come dine with me …